Let Them Eat Cake


We’ve been on a cake splurge lately, what with Easter, and more recently the advent of cake-appreciating visitors.   These Easter pastries were almost too beautiful to eat, although after taking about 100 photographs of them I was ready to bite each of their little heads off.  Sometimes the most beautiful things are the hardest to photograph.


This cake was not only photogenic and posed politely, it was especially fun to eat, covered with its little pop-in-the-mouth chocolate balls and a crunchy meringue surprise snuggled into the cake layers.


Although this cake is admittedly quite eye-catching, I hope you noticed the wine label. The cake was very good, the wine was even better, but the label was best of all.

Just a fluffy little post to brighten up your weekend with visions of sugar and spice and the magical things they do together in France.

3 thoughts on “Let Them Eat Cake

  1. We’ve gotten into buying pâtisserie cakes lately. I’m not much of a baker, but the rest of the family misses having dessert on the table. So we sometimes splurge on the weekend.

  2. Oh Abra, we need pictures of innards! Especially of the chocolate balls cake!

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